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Happy New Year everyone!!

Now’s the time when everyone makes a mad dash to the gym, sip maple syrup and water or live on nothing but baby food for the duration of January in order to lose those excess pounds that have piled on over the Christmas.  My resolution, without fail, was always to lose weight, every year the same resolution; I was never happy with myself and with how fat I always thought I was.

This year was completely different as I carried on juicing throughout and didn’t worry about my weight.  Yes, I will have probably put a little on as as everyone knows, ’tis the season to eat!!!! However, this year my main goal isn’t about losing weight and being as thin as I can unrealistically be, it’s about being healthy and creating a happy and loving environment for my husband and 2 girls.

Thanks to juicing, I am no longer obsessed with the scales and weighing every morsel that goes into my mouth.  I am now free from the diet treadmill, that I was constantly battling with, and feel that now when my daughters become aware of diets and the world’s crazy notion of being stick thin, they won’t feel the need to become paranoid by how they look because they won’t have learnt it from me.  I love the fact that my girls will learn that to be healthy and happy is the most important resolution in life and to have love in your heart is priceless.

Happy juicing everyone x